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Battle sprite changes.

Similar to the resolution change to portraits, the battle sprites have been changed to maintain consistency with the map sprites as well. I'm still using a 56-color NES palette here. Fifty-six sounds like a lot, but it's remarkably small. (Twelve are shades of blue! Yowza!) Meet Gabby the speed skater, with whom you face off at the roller rink.

I was hopping around the RPG Maker subreddit the other day and looking at others' work. One post in particular caught my eye. The main character's sprite went from roughly 100 pixels tall to 300 pixels tall. It was a staggering difference, and I applaud the maker for their hard work, but I couldn't help but think, "Doesn't that mean all of your art will now take at least three times as long?" Maybe this maker will be fine, but I'm not sure I would be in that situation! I basically took a string quartet and added an oboe and bassoon. What I didn't do was morph a piece for string quartet into a wind ensemble.

The hard part is balancing art that looks good but isn't prohibitively time-consuming to the point where you force yourself into a corner, resulting in burnout. It needs to be a sustainable pace and level of quality. I feel like I'm dialing it in. Over the last few weeks, I've updated all existing portraits and battle sprites. It was a blip on the radar as far as the timeline of the game is concerned, and I'm relieved about that!
